Sunday, December 9, 2012

Updates List:

-Walking on different surface types (concrete, metal, wood and snow for now)instantiates different sounds and/or particle effects. Also added different intervals and effects for walking and running. 
-Begun work on H100 Vehicle.
-Begun work on headlight particle animations.
-AI Opponents now have limited field of view. You can sneak up behind them if you're careful enough.
-Fixed physics based objects with the integration of custom physics materials. Weapons and items no longer fall through the map.
-Added flares (particle effects and instantiate code). They will be invaluable in the demo as your primary source of light in total darkness.
-Added fully automatic fire for certain weapons. Fire rates and reload speeds completely tweakable.

Minor Additions and Fixes:

-Fixed major camera issues, still has some clipping issues.

-Added a "drop item" animation for the items you may be carrying. Stylish and useful.
-Fixed AI Opponent waypoint system where "wait" command would not always work.

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